The search for one’s identity is central in art and life. But how can one truly find themselves? For artists, it often means exploring their roots and feeling the connection to their ancestors. Only by being aware of their origin and history artists can create authentic and true art. Yet this self-discovery through art is not only important for the creator but also for the viewers who can see themselves reflected in the works.
The Artist and Their Works
Artists seeking their true identity must confront their own history. This can involve their family’s story, cultural heritage, or even deeper connections to the myths and ancestors of their origins. Art becomes a medium through which these stories and roots are made visible. This often manifests in symbolic representations, archaic forms, or a return to traditional techniques. Such works resonate on a deeper level, guiding the viewer on a journey into the past, into a connection with what is original and authentic.
The Individual in Their Reality
The quest for self is an universal theme extending far beyond art. Today, many people seek their „true self“ and a sense of meaning in an ever more complex world. But this search can only succeed if they become aware of their roots. Without knowing where one comes from and where one stands, it is difficult to know where one wants to go. Awareness of one’s origin and the stories of ancestors helps us find our place in the world. Art can act as a bridge, inviting us to pause, reflect, and forge a deeper connection to our origins.
Humanity as Part of the Whole
Ultimately, contemplating the individual, leads to a larger insight: humanity as a whole. We are not the pinnacle of creation but part of the planet, born from it and connected to it. Yet, over the centuries, this connection has been increasingly ignored and suppressed. Nature, once revered as the source of all life, is today often seen merely as a resource to be exploited for short-term gains. Art should not be seen merely as a financial investment or prestige object, but as an expression of a species living in harmony with the world around it—much like the ancient cave paintings, which reflect a deep respect and magical understanding of nature. Instead, humanity is not only polluting the planet, but has already started to treat space as a dumping ground, using it as a site for waste. If things continue like that, our planet will soon be surrounded by an impenetrable layer of space debris.
A Return Through Art
Art can be a powerful means of returning to one’s roots – for the artist, the individual, and humanity as a whole. It reminds us of where we come from and that we are ultimately part of a much larger whole. Only by becoming aware of our roots can we shape a future in harmony with nature, the planet, and the universe. Thus, art is more than a mirror of society. It is a call to look deeper, an invitation to restore lost connections. We leave footprints, both positive and negative. But these footprints should not be burned away by the flames of time. They should pass light and warmth to future generations so that they too may have a livable future.